Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meet the Abuelitos

Last week, I asked some of the abuelitos* if I could take their pictures.  They were more than happy to oblige, on the condition that I bring them prints at some point. Many of them don't own pictures of themselves, a fact that is hard for me to imagine.  Having grown up with a snap-happy mother, every moment of my childhood and awkward adolescence was painstakingly documented.  Now, living in the age of Facebook and digital cameras, it's hard to avoid pictures of myself. Anyways, it struck me at that moment how very different our lives are, at least on certain levels.  When I look at the portraits, though, I am reminded of the humanity we share.

*Clarification:  It has been drawn to my attention that the translation of "abuelito" is not clear to all.  Abuelito is an endeared form of the word for grandparent, abuelo.  One can use the word as a familiar way to refer to any elderly person, however, and not just one's own grandparents.  


  1. great faces! especially the last one.

  2. LOVE THE PICTURES. These seem like mostly (all) abuelitas, are there abuelitOs too???

  3. i like their clothes
