Tuesday, February 22, 2011

La Playa

This past weekend, I went to Atacamas Beach with some friends, near a city called Esmeraldas in the Northwest corner of Ecuador.  Remember how I told you that there are some Universidad San Francisco de Quito students that live with me here in Cumbaya?  Well I went to the beach with two of them, Melba and Judith (both from Guayaquil, Ecuador) and their friend David (from Riobamba).  David has a car and was nice enough to drive us.

Atacamas was gorgeous and warm and everything that a beach should be.  The water along the equator is so warm it's INSANE!  We rented a pretty nice apartment for but $50 a night and gorged ourselves on fresh seafood and coconut milk.  I only got a little bit sunburned (quite the achievement for me) and generally had a blast hanging out with my Ecuadorian friends for a farewell weekend of fun in the sun.

THAT SAID, we had a few mishaps that you might find amusing:
1.  The roads were in really bad shape and we blew a tire in a particularly nasty pothole.  We didn't have the wrench to change the tire so we had to flag down a car to help (mind you, it was pouring rain and we were dressed for the beach).  The spare was a dinky little thing that looked like it belonged on a lawnmower or bicycle.  Nonetheless, we had to ride most of the way to the beach on that sad little tire because no repair shop for two hours had a big enough patch.
2.  Once we got there and checked into a hotel, we were all in a hurry to eat and hit the beach.  In all our revelry, we lost sight of the room key (the only copy) and ended up having to hire a sketchy man with a rat-tail to pick the lock and replace the handle.
3.  Through the course of the evening we lost sight of a pair of glasses, a pair of sandals, and a friend.  Only the friend was recovered.
4.  I ate some bad clams and fell ill on the way home.  I was too busy holding in the vomit in to ask David to pull over.  So I (and part of my seat) ended up covered in sick.
5.  I changed clothes on the side of the road.  Many Ecuadorian motorists expressed their delight by honking and fist pumping.

1 comment:

  1. That looks so fun!! I would kill to be able to go to the beach now.
