Rumiñahui was a great Inca warrior and Ecuador's last line of defense against Pizarro and the Spanish conquistadors. All you need to know, though, is that he is the closest thing to Ecuador's equivalent of Montezuma. Whether Rumiñahui is having his last laugh or I drank some bad water/ate some bad fruit, all I can say is that my feeble gringa bowels have fallen prey to the illness delicately referred to as "traveler's sickness." And it is not pretty. Why do I admit to having such a filthy illness before the entire blogosphere? Think of it as a public service announcement: traveler's diarrhea is as real as you and me, kiddos. Also, I have no shame. Before I am tempted to go into further detail and/or wallow in self pity, I will leave you with a good ol' fashioned poop joke:
"Hey! Did you know that diarrhea is genetic?
...Yeah, it runs in your jeans (genes)!"
I hope Rumiñahui has finished taken his revenge and is leaving you alone now!!!